Picture to ASCII Art Generators - Online
Picture to ASCII Art Generators - Online
Mouse-over each to compare the ASCII Art generators' outputs for a simple test image.
asciiart.clubYou Are Here. Just drag and drop a picture, adjust to suit your style, and save for markdown, bbcode, HTML, image, share on imgur...
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honeybii.comOpen source generator for the technically inclined, all output is posted openly too.
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.:*:- classic generator, great for large text outputs
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Picture to ASCII Art Generators - Software
AscGen2Powerful open-source software for ASCII purists (no color output or Unicode)
JavEJava Ascii Versatile Editor - Very powerful, but Java required. Features include freehand drawing, image generator, and 195 figlet fonts!
Text to ASCII Art Generators - Online
Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)Features classic "text fonts" from TheDRAW in a handy on-line tool.
ASCII GeneratorSimilar to TAAG, but can show your text in all fonts at once.
ASCII and ANSI Art/Artists/Collections
sixteencolors.netStunning, edgy ANSI art true to the era (and the technology) that conceived it.
Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art CollectionThe sheer volume of man-hours contributed to this ASCII art collection is staggering. good place to share your black-on-white ASCII art. good place to share your white-on-black ASCII art.
Unicode / One-line ASCII Art / #TwitAA
1 Line ArtMany classic and creative entries, ranked dby up/down vote.
Want to nominate another tool or collection? Just email.